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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Franz Kalchmair Blog / Access protected file share

Access protected file share

keoma Profile Picture keoma 32,675

There was a post, where a user wanted to get read/write acces to a file share outside the current domain from within Nav.

This can be done via .Net:

NetworkCredential := NetworkCredential.NetworkCredential(username, password, domain); // Credentials for domain 2
CredentialCache := CredentialCache.CredentialCache;
Uri := Uri.Uri(‘\\server’); // the server name from domain 2
CredentialCache.Add(Uri, ‘Basic’, NetworkCredential);
Dirs := SysDir.GetDirectories(‘\\server\directory’); // get folder list from the file share
FOR i:=1 TO Dirs.GetLength(0) DO
DirListTxt := DirListTxt + FORMAT(Dirs.GetValue(i-1))+’\’; //.net index starts with 0
MESSAGE(DirListTxt); // print out the dir list

NetworkCredential DotNet System.Net.NetworkCredential.’System
CredentialCache DotNet System.Net.CredentialCache.’System
Uri DotNet System.Uri.’System
Dirs DotNet System.Array.’mscorlib
SysDir DotNet System.IO.Directory.’mscorlib
DirListTxt Text
i Integer



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